Help Homeless Families In Portland / Multnomah County
Monday, October 08, 2012
The Common Cup Shelter at Sunnyside Church, one of my two congregations, operates from November 1st to March 31st each year, serving homeless families for periods up to 30 days. The Shelter relies on volunteers and donations for all of its needs. Contact Laurie Abeling (503-807-9466) or visit for more information.
You can support the Shelter in a variety of ways:
- Donations of money for supplies for the part time volunteer coordinator.
- In-kind donations: twin sheets, pillowcases, towels, toiletries, cleaning supplies, laundry soap and other needs.
- Volunteer shelter hosts – sleep at the shelter once a month. Training provided.
- Keep Common Cup Shelter, and the families it serves, in your prayers.
Volunteer Training – Second Sunday of each month, October through March, 4:00 p.m. at Sunnyside Centenary UMC or by arrangement. The next volunteer training session is Sunday, October 14th!