Response to Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton On Gun Violence Prevention #orpol
Building The Beloved Community: A Sermon To Celebrate The Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Live Tweeting The Inaugural @RevChuckCurrie #inaug2013

Safe_image.phpI'll be arriving Sunday night in Washington, D.C. for the Inauguration on Monday of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.  I've also been invited to attend Tuesday morning's National Prayer Service with the president and vice-president.  You can keep track of the visit at This will be only my second inaugural (the first was for Bill Clinton in 1993).  I'm deeply honored to have been invited by the Presidential Inaugural Committee to attend. And I look forward to seeing what the American people can accomplish with President Obama in this term to create jobs, decrease poverty, confront global climate change, reduce gun violence - and bringing our troops home from Afghanistan in a way that uplifts the human rights of the Afghan people, particulary women.  There is a big agenda ahead of us.  President Obama and Vice-President Biden have my prayers as they prepare for Monday.   
