The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday Celebration
Memo To Cross Lobby: Contact Kurt Schrader And Tell Him To Put People Before NRA

President Obama's Inclusive Inauguration & The Rev. Louie Giglio

Update: Rev. Louie Giglio's decision to withdraw from the inauguration seems approrpriate considering the circumstances.  I'm concerned, however, that in the age of You Tube and Twitter and we are judged on our worst moments and not the fullness of our work.  

Questions today concerning a sermon given sometime in the mid-1990s by The Rev. Louie Giglio broke because he'll be giving the benediction at President Barack Obama's inauguration.  My only concern in regards to these matters continues to be what views the President holds.  

As president (informed by his Christian faith), President Obama supports gay marriage, ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and has fought hard to end hate crimes and to expand civil rights for the LGBTQ community. That's what matters.  

What are Rev. Giglio's views today?  I don't know but he should be provided at some point the opportunity to explain them.  He certainly does not appear to be an anti-gay zealot. Instead he has focused his ministry on ending human trafficking - the forced slave labor of young women and girls into the sex industry.  People of good faith often come to different conclusions on difficult issues but on ending human trafficking we stand united.   

I'm thrilled that civil rights hero Myrlie Evers-Willams will offer the invocation. Few in America symbolize better the fight for justice and equality.  

Like President Obama, my Christian faith calls me to fight for the full inclusion of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, into the full promise of America.

In the end, the only vision that will really matter on Inauguration Day is the one presented by President Barack Obama.  I'm fully confident it will be a inclusive vision all Americans can be proud of. 

For The Love Of All Creation: A Sermon On Genesis 1:1-2:4a for Pride Month 2011 from The Rev. Chuck Currie on Vimeo.
