Dew Drop Clock from The E. Ingraham Company
Monday, February 25, 2013
In the house of my grandparents, C.O. "Rock" Bright and Frances Bright, was a Dew Drop Clock from The E. Ingraham Company, built sometime in the late 1880s. My uncle has it now. It originally belonged, as I understand it, to my great-grandmother, Nina Gravening Bright.
This clock was special. Something about the age fascinated me. My grandfather had also put a lot of work into restoring the wood work. The sound echoed throughout the house and the "tick-tock" at night would be the only noise you'd hear and the sound I would fall to sleep to.
I recently found a clock just like it from a dealer on EBay. When you purchase something like this online - and I've been searching for a number of years - there are many worries. But this has turned out to be a story worthy of Antiques Roadshow. The clock I purchased was in excellent condition and with just a bit of restoration by one of the few clock repair stores in Portland that specialize in this area the clock is up and running. All the parts are original - as you can see from the photos below - which adds value to the clock. My hope is that this will become a piece that is passed down in our family just as the other clock has been and that my daughters enjoy it has much as I did the one in my grandparent's home.
My house now has that familiar sound that reminds me of my grandparents. Priceless, really.