President Obama: Please #TalkPoverty In #SOTU
Friday, February 08, 2013
President Obama is set to soon deliver his State of the Union Address. We need the president to follow-up his powerful Inaugural Address with a serious discussion about how to reduce poverty in his message before Congress. That is what I shared with President Obama in a letter earlier this week. You can send a message to the president as well.
Via the Half in Ten Campaign:
Use social media to inspire President Obama to: (1) speak out for struggling families during his address, and (2) protect critical programs that reduce poverty in his budget request to Congress. February 12th is the President’s first State of the Union address in his second term. The fiscal showdown didn’t end on January 1st. Instead, Congress kicked the can down the road and many of the most important programs that support struggling families in our country are still under threat. So, let’s take to Twitter, Facebook, and other social media to support the President’s statements on cutting poverty in his inaugural address and ask for continued support of low-income programs in the state of the union and budget proposal. Together we can show the White House why these programs are so important, and who has inspired us to support them.
The Half in Ten Campaign is support by the Juctice and Witness Ministries of the United Church of Christ, along with many others in the faith community.
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