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10258532_10152013526076890_4601252269120280194_oI successfully completed my oral defense last week and have now completed all the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Chicago Theological Seminary.  The DMin is an "advanced professional degree designed to prepare religious leaders for specialized ministerial practice as leaders and teachers" that can be obtained after completing the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree and at least three years of active ministry. I was fortunate to earn my M.Div. at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis in 2006. 

There are a lot of people to thank but I'll start with three: Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite, Liz Smith Currie and Judy Bright, my mother who lived to see me start this process. I dedicated my DMin thesis to her.

My DMin work focused on researching, developing and evaluating models to teach progressive clergy how to engage in theologically grounded social action that employees social media as a vehicle for organizing.

We look forward to returning to Chicago for the commencement.

FMR SC GOP Head Under Investigation For Domestic Violence


Last fall, I drew attention to the Tweets of the former head of the South Carolina GOP who called for the mass executions of Ebola victims. Now that same lawyer is under investigation for domestic violence.

Todd Kincannon, a Columbia attorney and former executive director of the S.C. Republican Party, has been accused of threatening his wife and refusing to let her out of his car Thursday night, according to a report from the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department. He has not been arrested or charged with any crimes, according to a sheriff’s department spokesman.

From the sheriff's report:

Ashley (Kincannon) continued to tell me she called her mother for help and attempted to call 9-1-1 with an open line in order for the dispatcher to hear James. While driving, James saw a police vehicle and ‘freaked out.’ James threatened he would drive the car into a concrete barrier if the cops became involved. In addition, James also threatened to kill himself if Ashely left. Ashely continued to tell me James has made several threats in the past to kill himself, her, and her family. Furthermore, Ashely said she has past incidents of domestic violence and threats of homicide/suicide recorded. I saw no visible injuries to Ashely, she provided me with a written statement, and was issued a victim’s pamphlet. It should be noted Ashely was trembling as she wrote her statement.

This is a story that will not end well. Kincannon blames his behavior on cough medicine but there would seem much more wrong with this individual.

There is good news: Twitter has deleted his accounts (twice) where he had active followings.

It also appears the S.C. Commission of Lawyer Conduct, S.C. Office of Disciplinary Counsel is investigating Kincannon. He has no business holding a law license. Kincannon sued to stop the investigation but the suit was dismissed.

Please pray for his wife and that Kincannon himself is saved from himself before he does more damage.

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A Nun on the Bus: Sister Simone Campbell at Pacific University

10688446_1572099626397897_3797482980906984400_oYou've seen her on 60 Minutes, The Colbert Report, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart as she travels across the country with "Nuns on a Bus" advocating for the least of these in society. The Pacific University Center for Peace and Spirituality is excited to announce that Sister Simone Campbell will be on Pacific's Forest Grove campus at the Taylor-Meade Performing Arts Center on Monday, April 6, 2015 for a 7 pm public lecture. Her talk will focus on the role faith can play in promoting public policies that advance the common good.
"It is an honor to host this nationally known advocate," said Rev. Chuck Currie, director of the Center for Peace and Spirituality and university chaplain at Pacific University. "Sister Simone is an inspiring leader in the effort to create a more just nation.  More people would be living in poverty without her leadership."
Sister Simone has served as Executive Director of NETWORK: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby since 2004. She is a religious leader, attorney and poet with extensive experience in public policy and advocacy for systematic change. In Washington, she lobbies on issues of peace building, immigration reform, healthcare and economic justice. Around the country, she is a noted speaker and educator on these public policy issues. Her latest book is A Nun On the Bus.
ticket is required to attend. Seating is limited. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Contact Rev. Currie at 503-352-2032 or at [email protected] for additional information.  

Statement on Gretchen Kafoury

Statement on Gretchen Kafoury

Portland has lost an iconic leader with the passing of Gretchen Kafoury. Without her leadership our community would be less rich. She gifted us by lending her voice to causes as diverse as ending homelessness, reducing gun violence, and promoting equality for all – including women and the LGBT community. It was my honor to serve as her representative to the Multnomah County Community Action Commission when she served on the Portland City Council. Gretchen mentored a generation of young Oregonians that will carry on her legacy by continuing the fight for the causes she held most dear.

Rev. Chuck Currie, director of the Center for Peace and Spirituality and university chaplain at Pacific University

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When Republicans Go Wild

Like most Americans (hopefully), I was bewildered to learn that GOP Senate members sent a letter to Iran trying to undermine U.S. foreign policy.  Even other Republicans are stunned.  Trying to sabotage a sitting U.S. president, as Barack Obama is (see election results, 2008, 2012), is hard to imagine.  Who would do such a thing?  Thus, my op-ed today in The Huffington Post:

People of Faith to GOP Leaders: Support Negotiations With Iran