FMR SC GOP Head Under Investigation For Domestic Violence
Candidates should keep millennials’ opinions in mind


10258532_10152013526076890_4601252269120280194_oI successfully completed my oral defense last week and have now completed all the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from Chicago Theological Seminary.  The DMin is an "advanced professional degree designed to prepare religious leaders for specialized ministerial practice as leaders and teachers" that can be obtained after completing the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree and at least three years of active ministry. I was fortunate to earn my M.Div. at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis in 2006. 

There are a lot of people to thank but I'll start with three: Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite, Liz Smith Currie and Judy Bright, my mother who lived to see me start this process. I dedicated my DMin thesis to her.

My DMin work focused on researching, developing and evaluating models to teach progressive clergy how to engage in theologically grounded social action that employees social media as a vehicle for organizing.

We look forward to returning to Chicago for the commencement.
