The Journalistic Ethics Of Lars Larson
Monday, April 20, 2015
Lars Larson is a Washington State resident who hosts a Portland-based radio show that focuses on how much he dislikes Oregon. You can often see him on FOX News.
Long ago, before turning to talk radio, he was a television reporter who interviewed me numerous times, and I would sometimes go on his radio show in the early days until his rhetoric became so extreme it was clear going on The Lars Larson Show only provided legitimacy to someone who didn't deserve it (I have, however, offered to debate him on the issues facing my state in a neutral setting).
That doesn't stop him from talking about me on air or sending random Tweets to me (he follows my account but I don't bother to follow his).
Still, I came across one of his tweets this weekend that stuck me as odd:
in good journalism, you mention personal characteristics (race, sex pref, gender or religion) when it matters in the story.
— Lars Larson (@LarsLarsonShow) April 8, 2015
What was the context of this tweet? I'm not entirely sure. But I do know that Larson doesn't just mention personal characteristics when it matters to a story and I tweeted so:
.@LarsLarsonShow You gave up journalism long ago - about the time you decided it was okay to call Barney Frank "Barney Fag" on air.
— Rev. Chuck Currie (@RevChuckCurrie) April 19, 2015
As you might imagine, that made Lars a bit upset:
@RevChuckCurrie a lie...but from rev chuckle nothing new
— Lars Larson (@LarsLarsonShow) April 19, 2015
But here's the rub: I'm right.
@LarsLarsonShow Lars, the Internet keeps your homophobia online for all to see: #truth matters
— Rev. Chuck Currie (@RevChuckCurrie) April 19, 2015
Here is what Media Matters reported:
On the October 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Lars Larson played a spoof "Barney Frank for President" advertisement, in which a person said: "Hi, everybody. I'm Barney Frank and I'm running for president of the United States. Why? Well, because Nancy Pelosi pissed me off. Harry Reid pissed me off, and so did ol' Barack. Ol' Barack himself pissed me off too. I'm pissed at the Repubicans and the Democraps, and I'm going to run as an independent sort of fellow." The ad concludes: "Now remember, this Erection Day -- Election Day, vote for Barney Frank for President. I'm Barney Fag -- uh, Frank and I approve this massage -- message."
Just don't call Lars Larson a journalist. He is a longtime crusader against equality for all Americans. Larson is a talk show host. A Tea Party activist. Someone who calls gay people "fag." But nothing close to an ethical journalist.