Center for Peace & Spirituality Releases Annual Report
A Prayer For Memorial Day 2015

Chicago Theological Seminary Commencement 2015

Liz Smith Currie, Katherine, Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie, and Frances

It wasn't long ago that I shared that I'd passed my oral defense and had completed all the requirements for the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree at Chicago Theological Seminary.  This weekend eight members of our family traveled to Chicago for the Commencement.  

As noted, my D.Min. work focused on researching, developing and evaluating models to teach progressive clergy how to engage in theologically grounded social action that employees social media as a vehicle for organizing.

It is vital that Christians address important social issues - such as climate change and economic inequality - using a theological framework. Otherwise, we allow conservative fundamentalists to shape the debate over the future of Christianity.  Hopefully, my work will contribute to this cause in some small way.

Chicago Theological Seminary is a unique institution.  The vision of the seminary is to "be an international force in the development of religious leadership to transform society toward greater justice and mercy."

Already CTS is offering a free online class on Just Peacemaking that offers an alternative to the theology of Just War.

My time working with the faculty, staff and students has been rewarding.  I'm looking forward to reconnecting with the CTS family in January 2016 when I join a planned CTS-sponsored interfaith study tour of Israel and Palestine.
