My Confederate Flag
Saturday, July 18, 2015
My oped today in The @HuffingtonPost: My #ConfederateFlag #RacismInAmerica #CharlestonShooting
— Rev.Dr. Chuck Currie (@RevChuckCurrie) July 17, 2015
My oped today in The @HuffingtonPost: My #ConfederateFlag #RacismInAmerica #CharlestonShooting
— Rev.Dr. Chuck Currie (@RevChuckCurrie) July 17, 2015
A real treat for me this month was preaching on Sunday at Ainsworth United Church of Christ, my home congregation here in Portland. A four-way covenantal agreement between myself, the church, the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ and Pacific University allows my work at the university to be possible.
"Ainsworth is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, open & affirming, Just Peace and accessible church. We celebrate that God is still speaking in our world today and that God’s extravagant welcome and love is for everyone. We hope that your journey of faith will lead you to us and that you experience God’s love through us." Those words have meaning.
It seemed appropriate the Sunday following the 4th of July - on a blistering hot Sunday - to consider the role of church and state. Conservative voices often say it is the role of the church to address social ills but churches like Ainsworth UCC, that help address the AIDS crisis, cannot do it alone. What does Jesus teach us?
Mark 12:13-17 was our focus text for the service. You can download a podcast of the sermon here:
“Do The Nations Belong To Caesar or God?”
(some browsers - like Firefox or Google Chrome - will allow you to simply click on the link and listen...otherwise click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).