Ban Assault Weapons In Oregon
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Lift Every Voice Oregon held a rally at the State Capitol on Tuesday to call on the governor and Legislature to ban assault weapons.
It was my privilege to share a few words alongside clergy colleagues, victims of gun violence, students, and other advocates.
Please consider signing the petition created by Lift Every Voice Oregon calling on our political leaders to act.
No one should have to fear gun violence in worship, in a classroom, shopping at the mall, or watching a movie in a theatre. We can do better.
Couldn't make our rally? Sign our petition! Help #banassaultweapons in #Oregon: #orleg #orpol #Enough #GunControlNow @shannonrwatts @MomsDemand @CeasefireOregon @RevChuckCurrie @TheCrossLobby @trinitycathpdx @march4portland @AMarch4OurLives
— Lift Every Voice Oregon (@LiftEveryVoice_) September 26, 2018