Guest Preaching
Oregon Governor Should Form Task Force On Dementia And End Of Life

Personal Statement on International Day of Peace and Global Climate Strike


As we note International Day of Peace and the Global Climate Strike, I personally stand with students at Pacific University and other young people across the globe, including my children who are participating in the Climate Strike, calling for urgent action to address the Climate Crisis.  We need every generation to stand up before it is too late. The proposals in the Green New Deal, endorsed by the General Synod of the United Church of Christ, provide a roadmap forward. Climate change contributes to the international refugee crisis, makes war more likely, and is causing great pain and suffering.  Young people deserve a more peaceful and just world. For people of faith, there is a deeply spiritual connection to this issue. We are called to be stewards of Creation; not exploiters of it.


Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie

Director, Center for Peace and Spirituality

University Chaplain

Pacific University
